Saturday, 27 February 2016

Ghotki District

Ghotki (Urduگھوٹکی‎), (Sindhiگهوٽڪِي‎) is the capital of Ghotki District in northern SindhPakistan. It was the site of the July 13, 2005, Ghotki rail crash. The town is located at 28°1′0N 69°19′0E with an altitude of 72 metres (236 ft). According to the 1998 census, the district had a population of 970,550. Of these residents, 158,500 (16.33%) lived in urban areas, and 812,050 (83.67%) lived in rural areas.


Ghotki is situated in a low, level, alluvial country much covered with jungle, and is less than 8 miles from the Indus River.
The town is on the main trunk line running from Rohri to Multan, and has road communication with the villages of Gemro and Mirpur (through Mathelo, Kadirpur, and Adalpur).


 Ghotki was founded by an ambassador general of Raja Ibn Selaj Birhman (a relative of Raja Dahar of Sindh)in 637 A.D (15th year of Hijra) named Hath Sam who set up an army settlement/camp after defeating a Muslim Army of Arabia. The camp later assumed the shape of a village on 17th Shaban in 17th year of Hijra (639 A.D) when people of different tribes came to settle here. Two years later the people deserted this village and it again became a land of birds and animals. In year 695 A.D certain fishermen came here and settled and named the village as "Miani". But when the river changed its course the people left the village again to the mercy of jackals. In 712 A.D Mohammad Bin Qasim conquered the Sindh by defeating Raja Dahar. Ghot Ibn Samed Ibn Patel a Hindu born to a son of Raja Dahar was settled here. Ghot voluntarily and happily accepted the Islam on the hands of Arabs and married to a new Muslim -Emna according to Shariat-e-Mohammadi and gave birth to a baby boy Tameer from whom the Ghota tribe came into being. Arabs awarded many jagirs to Ghotas and named this village as "Dharwali" to honour their grandfather. Subsequently as the Ghotas progressed quantitatively and culturally the name of village was changed from Dharwali to Loh-e-Saheban when a Saint came from Bhaghdad whose name was Syed Mubarak Shah Jillani Baghdadi. After the British conquest of Sindh province in 1847, they awarded huge blocks of irrigated, fertile land to the Ghotta tribal chieftains in return of their loyalty to the British. Gradually, the town's name changed into Ghotki (of Ghottas) in lieu of Loh-e-Saheban. Jamia Masjid ("Jamia" Mosque) In the Ghotki there is a historical grand mosque known as Jamia Masjid Ghotki. According to a hand-written book "Sahih-ul-Subaten" of Gul Mohammad, that is available in library of the Madrassa Qasim-ul-uloom of the Ghotki, Syed Abu Saleh Moosa Shah Hussiani Jillani who was the near fellow of the famous saint Hazrat Sultan Baho of district Jhang from He was titled as Ghous Moosa shah, in the days of Mian Noor Mohammad S/O Mian Yaar Mohammad Abbasi / Kalhoro constructed this Mosque at this time the name of city was Loh-eSaheban which means land of purity or place of purified persons means (Jillani Syeds belongs to Prophet's Family)
Ghotki city also known by Pir Syed Musa Shah, around 1747, named as Loi Sahiban in persian which means stay of sahibans (Royals) .[1] There had been a masjid and Madrasah, known as Jamia masjid, erected in 1732 by Pir Syed Ghous Moosa Shah, who was famed for his sanctity.[citation needed] It was constructed of burnt brick, every single brick is recited Quran on it and was quadrangular in shape, 113 feet long by 65 feet broad, with an extensive courtyard in front, and a cupola covered with glazed tiles. The interior had a coating of coloured plaster, and was decorated besides with carved and painted wood-work. This building was by far the largest of its class in Upper Sind, but it was at the same time the only object of interest in the place.The Jamia masjid and the Madrasah was registered with Masjid al-Haram. During British rule, Ghotki, was a government town and the headquarter station of the district known as the Rohri Deputy Collectorate, 38 miles north-east from Rohri.[1] The government buildings were the Mtikhtyarkar's katcheri, government vernacular school, a police thana with accommodation for 12 policemen (mounted and foot), a cattle pound, musafirkhana, post-office, travellers' bangalow, subordinate Judge's Court-house, and a then newly erected Court-house for the Sessions Judge of Shikarpur District when on circuit in the Rohri district. A bangalow for the Deputy Collector of the division was also built, as it was intended to make this town the head- quarter station of the Rohri Deputy Collectorate.[1]
Ghotki was established as a municipality in 1855, its receipts in 1873-74 were 2942 rupees, and expenses 1563 rupees.[1]The population was 3689, who were chiefly occupied in trade and agri- culture; of these 1803 were Muhammadans, mostly of the Pathan, Malak, Saiyad, Mochi and Lobar castes, and there were 1867 Hindus, the greater number being Banyas. The chief persons of note residing in Ghotki were Pirs ; some of these were Pir Syed Rasool Bakhsh Shah, Pir Syed Ghous Moosa Shah, Pir Syed Mubarak Ali Shah, Pir Nasur Din, and several others.[1] Pir Syed Rasool Bakhsh Shah was known for his wisdom and admiration for the city Loh i sahiban, Pir Sahib was also bombay council member. He played very significant role in the politics, Pir Sahib had tight grip on languages such as; Persian, English, Arabic, Sindhi, Urdu, Saraiki and many more. The trade of Ghotki was chiefly in wheat, juar, bajri, grain, indigo, sugar-cane, wool, oil, and ghi. The Lobars of this town were famous for their manufacture of pipe bowls, rings, and pots of various kinds. Wood-carving and colouring were also carried on.

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